The Description of Responsibility for Each Standing Committee
1. Recreational Area Management Board
2. Executive Committee
3. Finance Committee
Recreational Area Management Board
Per Valhalla Management Association's By-Laws, each condominium board must elect one of its members to the Recreational Area Management Board (RAMB). The committee was reformed in March of 2019.
2024 RAMB Roster
Kate DeVries - Assn. #1, Chair
Jenney Kroeger - Assn. #2
Russell Boyd - Assn. #3
Dubravka Stupar - Assn. #4
Krista McGowan - Assn. #5
Lou Ohly - Assn. #6
Muthuvel Jayachandran - Assn. #7
Lou Ohly - Assn. #8
Iris Matthys - Assn. #9
Linda Castiglioni - Assn. #10
Diane Krupski - Assn. #11
Michael Seery - Assn. #12
David Aries - Assn. #15
RAMB Committee Meeting Minutes
Executive Committee
The executive committee is made up of the officers of the Master Board. This committee exists to make recommendations to the Master Board for issues that affect the entire complex, such as HR and benefits, community-wide projects, as well as violations and enforcement of Valhalla rules and regulations.
2024 Executive Roster
Kurt Beaver - Assn. #9 Vice President
Kate DeVries - Assn. #1 President
Brian Kroeger - Assn. #3 Treasurer
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Finance Committee
A standing committee of the Master Board will be composed of not less than two members drawn from the Board along with the General Manager. The charge to the committee shall be to:
A. Monitor the financial developments of Valhalla and report changes to the Master Board.
B. Recommend an annual budget.
C. Recommend action to the Board on financial matters.
2025 Finance Committee Roster